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Private Session Feedback Form

We hope you enjoyed your recent private tennis lesson! Your feedback is valuable in helping us improve and tailor our services to meet your needs. Kindly take a moment to complete this brief survey:

1.1. How satisfied are you with the overall quality of your lesson?
PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellent
2. Did the instructor effectively address your goals and areas of focus during the session?
Not At AllNot ReallyNeutralYes, to Some ExtentYes, completely
3. How would you rate the instructor's communication?
PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellent
4. Were the practice drills and exercises beneficial to your improvement?
Not Beneficial At AllNot Very BeneficialSomewhat BeneficialBeneficialExtremely Beneficial
5. Considering your experience today, how likely are you to continue booking private tennis lessons with us?
Very UnlikelyUnlikelyNeutralLikelyVery likely
6. What did you like most about the session?
Would you recommend this session to a friend or family member?

Thank you for your feedback!

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